German Chancellor To Form New Coalition

Epoch Times28. September 2009

German’s voted to give conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel a second term yesterday. Projections show the vote has also allowed her to dump her center-left coalition partners, in favor of the pro-business Free Democrats, or FDP.

[Angela Merkel, German Chancellor]:
„Not just you are happy, I am, as well. We have managed something great, we have reached our goal for this election to get a stable majority in Germany, within a new government consisting of CDU, CSU and FDP. That is Great.“

Her challenger in the vote from the Social Democrats (or SPD) appeared on television shortly after the first projections came out. He conceded his party had suffered a „bitter defeat.“

Merkel has ruled for the past four years in a „grand coalition“ with the SPD, but the awkward partnership can now end. Merkel says the new grouping with the FDP is better placed to help nurture Europe’s largest economy back to health.

The new coalition is expected to push for tax relief and extend the lifespan of German nuclear plants scheduled to be phased out over the next decade.

A center-right government last ruled Germany between 1982 and 1998 when Helmut Kohl was chancellor.


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