Gaddafi Forces Launch Night Rocket Attack
A young girl sits outside a house in Misrata hit by rockets overnight.
At least one person died and seven others wounded when a series of rockets struck a residential area in the Libyan city.
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi are being blamed for the attacks.
One homeowner describes what happened.
[Zaid al-Shahba, Homeowner]:
„Yesterday around midnight three or four rockets hit the place, and after a minute and a half another three rockets landed again.“
Another resident was woken by the blast.
[Moftah Mohammed, Homeowner]:
„I was sleeping here on this mattress when the rocket struck and I was covered in glass, I ran through the other door and then I went outside to see everything broken and damaged.“
Rebels have been battling Gaddafi’s forces since late February, when thousands of people rebelled, prompting a fierce crackdown by Gaddafi’s security forces.
The revolt has turned into the bloodiest of the Arab Spring uprisings against rulers across the Middle East.
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