France Braces for Further Strikes

Epoch Times26. September 2010

Newspaper racks lie empty at a Parisian newsstand – a consequence of the previous day’s strikes.

If full, they would likely have bad news splashed across the headlines.

That’s because President Nicolas Sarkozy’s approval ratings are at an all time low.

This comes as the embattled president faces further pressure over plans to raise the retirement age.

Police and demonstrators clashed this week as the row worsens.

Unions are meeting to plan their next move that could call for further strikes.

The government argues reform is crucial to bail out state finances.

Already making it through the lower house, they await ratification in the upper.

But unions say they’ll do everything possible to block it.

One leading French pollster, Jean-Daniel Levy sees things stacking up against Sarkozy.

[Jean-Daniel Levy, Director of Pollster Institute CSA]:
„As the whole reform debate started, Nicolas Sarkozy was already weak in the polls. He was already at the lowest level ever since his election in terms of popularity or confidence. This isn’t only due to the pensions, but also because of all the policies that he’s pursued since 2007, on his posture, his stature and also on the debate regarding the policies towards the Roma that was carried out this year.“

As for the French, they remain equally divided over the issue – although, most believe change is inevitable to one of Europe’s most generous pension systems.


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