Former IMF Head Strauss-Kahn’s Day in Court Delayed
Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s next day in court has been postponed.
The former head of the International Monetary Fund won’t be due back to the courthouse until early August instead of July 18th.
According to statements by Strauss-Kahn’s legal team and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office released late Monday, the two sides agreed to the postponement, which gives both sides more time to investigate.
Legal experts say such delays are common and should not be over interpreted.
Strauss-Kahn has been accused of sexually assaulting a New York City hotel maid, but was recently freed without bail, after the prosecution revealed several issues calling into question the credibility of the accuser.
His defense has repeatedly asked that the charges be thrown out, but the DA’s office says no decisions have been made and the investigation will continue.
Strauss-Kahn still faces a complaint in France by a writer who says he tried to her rape her back in 2003.
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