Famous Picasso Painting Could be Yours for $20 Million

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times15. Juni 2011

It hasn’t been seen in public for more than 60 years.

Pablo Picasso’s ‚Jeune Fille Endormie‘ is one of the artist’s most celebrated paintings.

This summer, the portrait of Picasso’s lover, Marie-Thérèse, will go under the hammer at Christie’s auction house in London.

Orlando Rock of Christie’s says the artwork is expected to fetch up to £12 million pounds, or just under $20 million dollars.

[Orlando Rock, Deputy Chairman, Christie’s Europe]:

„Marie-Thérèse was perhaps his most celebrated and most romantic love affair, which lasted for a long time. And in terms of the sort of records achieved for Picasso, Marie-Thérèse is the sitter, the mistress who has perhaps achieved the highest price, in fact the world record price for Picasso ever was a portrait of Marie-Thérèse which we sold in New York last year.“

Proceeds from the painting will go towards science.

The portrait was given to Australia’s Sydney University by a private donor on the condition it would be used to fund scientific research.

[Orlando Rock, Deputy Chairman, Christie’s Europe]:

„This was a portrait which has been in a private collection for a long period of time and they have decided to give it to the University of Sydney because they are very keen on promoting medical research. So it’s an incredible act of generosity, and we hope it’ll achieve a fantastic result in the end of June.“

The Picasso is just one of the highlights at the ‚Masterpieces‘ exhibition, which includes works rarely, or never seen before, by artists including Michelangelo, Gainsborough, Stubbs and Monet.

The artworks are expected to realize a value of more than £250 million pounds ($409 million dollars) during July’s auctions.

[Orlando Rock, Deputy Chairman, Christie’s Europe]:

„One of the things is that a lot of these great works of art have been in private collection often for as many as sixty or seventy years and have not been seen in public. And they’re only going to be seen in public for a very short period of time before they disappear into private ownership again, so it’s a wonderful chance to put them together.“

The collection is on public display until June 15th.

Foto: NTD

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