„Extraordinary Technology“ – Lawyer Comments on Shen Yun in Sydney

Annette Vella is a dance teacher with more than 3 decades experience.
She saw Shen Yun Performing Arts at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre last Friday, and came back with 26 students to see the show again.
[Annette Vella, Dance Teacher]:
“Absolutely fantastic. There are several segments which are really outstanding that I raved about – the Mongolian section, the one where they go to southern China with the hats and blossom, the cherry blossom I think it is absolutely fantastic. We want the fans, we want to get a copy of the fans.”
A University of Technology student shared her impressions of the show.
[Jessica Sheather, UTS Student]:
“It gives me an insight to other cultural dances which is something that actually I have to study and to physically watch it live, it’s different to reading it so, it’s really impacted.”
Lawyer Gerard Malouf took his wife and daughter to see Shen Yun. His wife recommended the show.
[Gerard Malouf, Lawyer]:
“My wife, she researches the best articles and shows coming to Australia, and this was the one we had to see.”
They enjoyed the colors, the pageantry and the costumes.
[Gerard Malouf, Lawyer]:
“More importantly we get a sense of the people, the humanity coming through, the warmth, the love they have for their country, their culture.”
Mr. Malouf also enjoyed the digital backdrops.
[Gerard Malouf, Lawyer]:
“Extraordinary technology. The most interesting and impressive part was where they jump off the stage then fly into the backdrop. Wow, impressive.”
NTD News, Sydney, Australia
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2011 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.
Frankfurt/Main im Februar
Sa, 26.02.2011 – 19:30 Uhr
So, 27.02.2011 – 14:00 Uhr
So, 27.02.2011 – 19:30 Uhr
Ort: Jahrhunderthalle / Pfaffenwiese
Ticket-Hotline: 01805-697469
(0,14€/min aus dem dt. Festnetz)
Online-Bestellung: www.ticketonline.de
Sowie an allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen
Ludwigsburg (Stuttgart) im April
Mi, 20.04.2011 – 20:00 Uhr
Do, 21.04.2011 – 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Forum am Schlosspark – Ludwigsburg
Easyticket +49(0)711-2555555
Online-Bestellung: www.easyticket.de
Sowie an allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen
Bregenz im März
Fr. 04.03., 20:00 Uhr
Sa 05.03.11, 15:00 Uhr und 20:00 Uhr
So 06.03.11, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Festspielhaus/Großer Saal
Platz der Wiener Symphoniker 1
6900 Bregenz
Telefonbuchung: +43 (0) 5574 4080
Onlinebuchung: www.v-ticket.at/
Wien im Mai
So 01.05. 11, 18:00 Uhr
Mo 02. 05. 11, 19:30 Uhr
Di 03. 05. 11, 19:30 Uhr
Mi 04. 05. 11, 19:30 Uhr
Ort: Wiener Stadthalle, Halle F
Vogelweidplatz 14
A-1150 Wien
Telefonbuchung: +43 (1) 7999979

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