Deutschland: Merkel, Trabants Celebrate Berlin Wall Fall

Epoch Times10. November 2009

Merkel, who grew up in East Germany, is leading the 20th anniversary celebrations marking the day the wall collapsed.

[Angela Merkel, German Chancellor]:
„Before the happiness of freedom came, many suffered. If there is anything I regret for the course of the last 20 years it is the fact that it took us so long to recognize this form of injustice and compensate for it.“

Back in 1989, masses of East Berliners flooded across the border after being separated from the West for 28 years.

Earlier on Monday in scenes reminiscent of that day exactly 20 years ago, dozens of Trabant cars drove over the bridge.

Produced in East Germany the Trabant was the most common car in the communist East.

Despite its poor performance and old fashioned engine it has today achieved cult status.

The Trabant is now a symbol of the failed regime and a remnant of amusing East German products worth remembering.

[Mus, Dutch Onlooker]:
„Marvelous, it felt marvelous because history is passing through.“

And on the roofs of the city along the former border angels spread their wings to bless Berlin.

The performance artists formed a poetic image celebrating the peaceful reunion of a once-divided city.


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