Czech Republic: Terracotta Army Arrives in Brno

Brno is the first city in central Europe to display a replica of the armies of Qin Shi Huang, China’s first emperor.
Around 200 hundred pieces occupy an area of approximately 65 hundred square feet.
Exhibition coordinator Hana Navratilova says this version of the emperor’s army is the closest to the original in Shaanxi Province, Central China.
[Hana Navratilova, Exhibition Coordinator]:
„We were searching for the exhibition which would be absolutely perfect in terms of design work. We found it. So for the first time in Brno, visitors can see sculptures that were made exactly (like the originals) in China – even in the same province. The traditional Techniques were maintained so the impression of authenticity is great.“
The Terracotta Army was discovered in 1974 by local farmers, but its real age is approximately two thousand years.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered his tomb to be built with 8,000 warriors to guard him and help him rule another empire in the afterlife.
Bringing these showpieces to the Czech Republic wasn’t easy.
[Hana Navratilova, Exhibition Coordinator]:
„Due to the fact that each of the statues weighs around 200 kilos (440 pounds), transporting them was among the rather difficult parts of preparation. My estimation is that six or seven trucks were used to transport them.“
The exhibition hopes to give visitors a chance to learn about Chinese history and at least convey a feeling of the real Terracotta Army in China.
[Helena Lukasova, Visitor]:
„I came to the exhibition because it is the Eighth Wonder of the World. I don’t have a chance right now to visit China myself so at least this way I can have the experience of the famous Terracotta Army.“
The replica of each warrior is elaborate and detailed, with a unique facial expression and natural posture.
[Helena Lukasova, Visitor]:
„What interests me the most is to see the statues at their real size. At the time these statues were created, it was Europe’s Classical Antiquity period. And when you stop to think that these are the first freestanding statues and there’s this great number of them, that’s absolutely amazing.“
Jaroslava Cechmankova traveled to China with her daughter. On their wish list was seeing the original Terracotta warriors. Unfortunately, they didn’t manage to do that until now in Brno.
[Jaroslava Cechmankova, Visitor]:
„We were so happy when we found this exhibition in Brno. So we finally got the chance to see it.“
The Terracotta Army exhibition will be open to the public until March next year.
NTD News, Brno, The Czech Republic.

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