Czech Republic: Ride of Kings

Epoch Times10. September 2009

The Czech Republic region of South Moravia, Slovacko and Vlcnov town are famous for the beautiful array of color, customs, winemaking and music.

It’s a 200-year-old tradition, and the centerpiece is the Ride of Kings, a male initiation ceremony that has become quite a tourist attraction for artists, ethnographers and folklorists.

[Jan Blahusek, Ethnographer]:
“Ride of Kings is a custom when young 18-year-old boys pass a symbolic test, which is to protect the young king – a boy during this ride.”

Locals say it helps maintain cultural traditions. Women prepare paper roses to decorate parade actors, while men teach boys how to ride a horse.

Mr. Kucera is the oldest living King, as they call them in Vlcnov. He remembers one of his first rides during the Second World War.

[Mr. Kucera, Oldest King]:
“I was the king in 1944 during the German occupation. The rides were much poorer at the time, without any live music, because it was forbidden during the war. But in 1944, when I was chosen as a king, a German officer allowed music for some reason, and the Ride of Kings ceremony could be celebrated with music and dance.”

Exactly what does it mean to be a King to the youngest one, Adam?

[Adam Pesl, Youngest King]:
“It’s a great honor for me. I had to try on the special folk costume several times and learn how to ride a horse. I have a white horse named Lion.”

This celebration may seem a bit mysterious for some, seeing the King dressed in women’s clothes with a rose in his mouth. Actually the origin isn’t really that clear but it probably symbolizes purity and youth.

[Jan Blahusek, Ethnographer]:
“The Ride of Kings tradition is on the Czech Republic list of intangible cultural heritage. We are also preparing to nominate this custom in UNESCO for the year 2010.”

Ride of Kings was celebrated throughout Central Europe, and Vlcnov village is the last place where the custom has been preserved and celebrated, just as it was hundreds of years ago.

NTD, Vlcnov, Czech Republic.


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