Court Officials Arrested in Taiwan Corruption Scandal
It’s the biggest corruption scandal in the history of modern Taiwan’s judicial system. Three top judges and a prosecutor have been thrown behind bars. They’re charged with taking bribes from a former legislator to clear his sentence.
That legislator is Ho Chi-hui. He’s believed to have bribed the four men with nearly U.S.$250-thousand to get them to overturn his 19-year corruption sentence.
The three judges, the prosecutor, and two alleged accomplices were arrested earlier this week.
The arrests came after a massive bribery investigation that spanned 34 locations and interviews with more than a dozen defendants and witnesses. Now, this case marks the first-ever investigation into Taiwan’s High Court.
These are the last-seen images of Ho Chi-hui, who allegedly bribed the court officials. He disappeared from his home Tuesday morning and is still at large.
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