China: U.S. Imposes Tariff on Chinese Tires

Epoch Times16. September 2009

The United States is going ahead with a punitive tariff on imports of Chinese-made tires, flexing its trade muscle in exercising World Trade Organization rules. It appears to be aimed at saving U.S. jobs.

But the Chinese regime is not taking the news well. In what may be retaliation, Beijing said it would investigate whether chicken and auto parts from the U.S. are being “dumped” on the Chinese market.

But the pundits seem to agree that an all-out trade war between the U.S. and China is unlikely. Beijing has requested a meeting at the W.T.O. to officially protest the tire tariff, and this is being cited as a sign that the Chinese regime does not intend to escalate the trade conflict.

Economists warn that any out-and-out trade war between China and the United States could severely delay global economic recovery


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