China: Source Says Chinese Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is Still Alive

Epoch Times24. Januar 2010

Prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng could still be alive, despite fears that he had been killed in custody in China.

Chinese authorities abducted Gao in February last year. He has not been charged with anything.

Supporters say he had been a target of the Chinese Communist Party after he represented a Falun Gong practitioner in 2004, and later advocated for the persecuted spiritual group.

In 2007 police detained and tortured Gao, who then published an account of the 10 days of torture he experienced, drawing international attention to his case.

Speculation that he had been killed comes after a policeman told Gao’s brother that Gao had “gone missing” while in custody in September last year.

According to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald this week, a source in the Chinese regime’s security apparatus said that, “Gao is still alive at present…he’s not missing.“ The source did not indicate Gao’s condition or his prospects.


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