China: Beijing Swamped by Security Forces

Epoch Times21. September 2009

The Chinese communist regime has flooded Beijing with armed police and up to a million so-called security „volunteers,“ ahead of October’s sensitive anniversary of 60 years of Communist Party rule.

Paramilitary police are also patrolling in greater numbers than usual, some very obviously armed with guns and rifles.

The “volunteers” are mainly retirees from Party-controlled neighborhood committees.

With the impending national holiday, people face a gauntlet of ever-tightening security measures, ranging from random identity card checks on the subway to hours-long waits at security checkpoints that now ring all roads leading into the city.

Many drivers are disgruntled with the new checks and long queues of traffic.

[Mr. Yu, Beijing Resident]:
„I’ve already waited almost 20 minutes. I came out of the toll at 12, and I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait. I don’t know what they’re doing. I haven’t got a clue what’s going on.“


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