British Royal Couple Attend Evening Dinner In LA

Eager fans congregate in L.A. at the red carpet entrance to an evening dinner for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Sponsored by The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, many celebrities attended, including Jennifer Lopez.
Famous Brits such as actor and comedian Stephen Fry gave their opinion on the proceedings:
[Stephen Fry, British Actor]:
„I don’t know, it’s a mixture of a thousand years of history and a thousand photographs a week of media attention creates a glamour, prestige and luster that trumps anything that Hollywood can produce. I honestly believe if they brought back to life Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable and they walked up this red carpet they would get less excitement than the Cambridges and that’s an extraordinary thing.“
British chef Gordon Ramsey was impressed by the glamour of it all:
[Gordon Ramsay, British Chef]:
„Do you know what, I mean to have that kind of new image for the monarchy, it’s a bit of a tough climate back in the U.K. at the moment with sort of our press and they are flying the flag high and it’s great to see and they’re very glamorous as well. I mean very glamorous.“
British actor Harry Lloyd spoke of how well the young couple handle the responsibility of their position:
[Harry Lloyd, British Actor]:
„Anywhere they go in the world they are going to get a huge amount of attention and with that comes a lot of responsibility which I think they handle incredibly well but also a lot of opportunity to do a lot of good and to shed light on things that people think some light should be shed on.“
The money raised at the dinner will go to the American Friends of The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry, which is dedicated to preserving the environment, helping young people and also helping those in the armed forces.

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