Beijing Retailers Remove Knives from Shelves After Stabbings

Epoch Times21. September 2009

In Beijing, some major retailers are removing knives from their shelves after two separate knife attacks near Tiananmen Square.

The first incident, on Thursday last week, left two dead and 14 others injured.

Beijing police say they’ve arrested a man from Jilin province in connection with the attacks. And state run Xinhua reported that the man was drunk at the time.

But a conflicting report in the South China Morning Post says three men—not one—were responsible for the attacks—slashing at passersby in Beijing’s Qianmen district.

And the most recent attack, on Saturday, left a French woman slightly injured. Authorities say a man from Jiangxi province was arrested on the spot.

Both attacks took place near the south end of Tiananmen Square, where authorities are preparing for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the communist takeover of China.


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