Austria Celebrates 90 Years of the Salzburg Festival

The Salzburg Festival was established in 1920, based on a firm conviction that only music and art could bring reconciliation between the European nations after the First World War.
Ninety years later, around 250-thousand spectators from about 60 different countries gathered in Salzburg to enjoy performances by both established artists and young newcomers during the five-week-long festival.
[Johannes Kärchner, Attendee]:
“Salzburg is, for me, a symbol of music from a great past being played in the present with the highest skill, showing the people what music and art can give people.”
[Aichiro Kato, Attendee]:
“Ten years ago I came to the Salzburg Festival. I enjoyed it very much back then. Every concert that I heard this time was great. Of course the opera is always exiting, so this time we enjoyed the opera Electra.”
The theme of this year’s festival is “Myths and Tragedy.”
The festival president explained why this particular theme was chosen.
[Helga Rabl-Stadler, President, Salzburg Festival]:
“Actually, we originate from and are influenced by the ancient myths. That’s the case in China as well as in Europe. It is the same for every culture, and it is of course nice to bring these places into the present.”
The festivities wrapped up last Monday, but organizers say they’re already planning for next year’s event.
NTD News, Salzburg, Austria.

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