Australia: Missing British Backpacker Found Alive

Epoch Times15. Juli 2009

A missing backpacker is found alive after being missing for 12 days in Australia’s Blue Mountains. The backpacker’s father says he lost faith his son would be found alive.

Richard Cass was about to fly back to the UK when he received a call that his missing son, Jamie Neal, was found alive and well after 12 days missing in bushland.

[Richard Cass, Jamie Neal’s Father]:
„I must say admit I had lost faith. I made a little shrine for himand defaced your national park with his name and his dates of birth. He isgoing to come back in about five years time and see his gravestone. And his gran who lived out in Australia in the 50s said those Australians they willfind him and you did find him. Well done. I am so grateful.“

After roaming around lost in the Blue Mountains for 12 days, Jamie stumbled upon a couple’s campsite.

[Dennis Clifford, North West Metropolitan Region Commander]:
“…I think they were just as amazed as we were once they realized who he was. I believed he showed them his passport to sort of verify who he was.“

Jamie’s dad says his son was doing well.

[Richard Cass, Jamie Neal’s Father]:
„He’s looking gaunt and scratched and I’m cuddling him and saying, ‚Jamie, I am so pleased to see you.‘ He’s still a bit depressed, in a bit of a daze, he doesn’t know what happened to him. It’s definitely my Jamie, you know, there is no doubt about that.“

Police inspector Carl Clark was with Jamie’s father during most of the search.

He had reservations about finding the 19-year-old alive earlier this week.

[Carl Clark, Police Inspector]:
„I’ve got to say on Sunday I spoke to Richard and said we hold grave concerns. The longer the search is going on the less likely it is we find Jamie alive and I need to prepare you for that.“

Jamie was last seen around midday on June 3 going for a bushwalk.

He says he was able to survive the 12-day ordeal by eating leaves and seeds, and that his high tolerance for the cold also helped.


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