Aurora Mayor Praises Shen Yun in Toronto

At one Shen Yun performance in Toronto, the mayor of a Canadian town says that she was touched by the show’s compassion.
Shen Yun performed before a packed house at Toronto’s Canon Theatre on Friday night.
Among them, was Phyllis Morris, the mayor of Aurora in Ontario.
[Phyllis Morris, Aurora Mayor]:
“You feel like you are in another world, just for those few hours.”
Ms. Morris says the digital backdrop added another dimension to the performance.
[Phyllis Morris, Aurora Mayor]:
“It was wonderful how you saw people coming alive on the stage. They were coming from another place and I kept trying to figure out, ‘how are they doing that?”
One of the performances, about a family torn apart by the modern-day persecution of Falun Gong in China, really touched her.
[Phyllis Morris, Aurora Mayor]:
“The child was very distraught over the father dying – and then being able to stand there and just accept the person that she loved was going to a special place, a divine place. And she was able to accept that and there was joy there and I thought that was very touching.”
But it was the deep message that made her want to see the show again.
[Phyllis Morris, Aurora Mayor]:
“I think being able to reflect on some of the messaging that came there. The words compassion came through. The word grace and dignity came through. Many things that you could take away from this show. Society in general needs compassion. Very much so.”
NTD, Toronto, Canada.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun
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einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu
Frankfurt/Main / Jahrhunderthalle
12. März 2010, 20:00 Uhr
13. März 2010, 19:30 Uhr
14. März 2010, 15:00 Uhr

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