Association of Russian Stuntmen Celebrates 20th Anniversary

This event is held in honor the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Association of Russian stuntmen. Actors, singers, film directors congratulate the heroes of the occasion.
The stuntmen look very official in suits and ties. But they are completely different on set – often tired, sweaty and bloody.
It is a dangerous, yet popular profession in the movie industry.
In Russia the stuntman profession has only officially existed since 1991, before that stuntmen were called odd-jobbers.
[Alexander Inshakov, President, Stuntmen in Russia]:
„We decided this together. Because we understood that if we do not organize this ourselves, nobody will take care of us and we will be between heaven and earth. And we made a union, the Association of stuntmen, which is already 20-years-old.“
Today there are more than 150 leading professionals in Russia who are members of the association.
To get in, a stuntman needs to have worked on at least 20 movies.
The people of this profession are able to use different kinds of weapons, working with pyrotechnics, fire, animals, and also to drive cars and motorcycles.
But the main thing in skill stunts is to make a beautiful trick that can be recorded on camera in a most impressive way.
Today the spectacular stunts are also made with computer graphics. However, the stuntmen are confident that it is impossible to replace them completely with new technologies… because a computer can never truly replace a person.
NTD, Moscow, Russia.

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