America: NY Knicks Legend Welcomes New Courts

Epoch Times10. Juli 2009

It may seem like any basketball court in the world. But it’s not – it’s the Bronx – one of the most densely-populated and roughest neighborhoods in NY.

And for these kids, this new $1.7 million upgraded playground could make a big difference.

[Chauncey James, 12-year-old]:
“It always looked like it had a lot of wear and tear, so it just needed this place, it just needed this badly.”

[Adrian Benepe, Parks & Recreation Commissioner]:
“It’s important because New Yorkers don’t have backyards or front yards. The playgrounds, the parks: those are the front yards, the backyards. This is where they meet, this is where they hang out, this is where they make friends. But more important, this is where they get exercise. We have a crisis in the city of obesity and diabetes and obesity related diseases.“

But it’s not just a new place to exercise and hang out.  

[Helen Foster, Council Member]:
“We have to let them know that they are important, and that there are alternatives to the drugs and the violence that they may see.”

Turns out that this playground could even be a place where you can reach the stars. 

[John Starks, Former NY Knicks Basketball Star]:
„It’s an honor to be here on behalf of the New York Knicks.”

Basketball player John Starks came to participate in the celebration. 

[John Starks, Former NY Knicks Basketball Star]:
„I wanna congratulate everybody that’s involved in this and helping this come to life.“

For the parents he is a living legend.

[Alison Smith, Mom]:
„I was excited and I got his autograph…twice.”

For the younger generations, Starks is a living proof that dreams can come true.

[John Starks, Former NY Knicks Basketball Star]:
„I grew up playing basketball, and grew up playing on a dirt court.“

So to us it may seem just another basketball court, but for these kids here in the Bronx, it’s bringing a a little more hope. 

[Antonio Smith, 9-year-old]:
„You can come to the basketball court and play basketball, and practice, so you can get better, and maybe one day you can come and play real basketball.“

[John Starks, Former NY Knicks Basketball Star]:
„I know how important this is to the kids, to be able to have somewhere nice to come, work on their games… Maybe we may see the next John Starks playing in the NBA.“

Lia Onely, NTD, New York.


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