„Absolutely Fabulous“ – Ballet Teacher on Shen Yun in Dublin

Shen Yun Performing Arts recently performed at the Grand Canal Theatre in Dublin, Ireland.
Ballet teacher Linda Higgins runs the Dublin Ballet School. She says the show was fabulous.
[Linda Higgins, Ballet Teacher]:
„It was fabulous. It was absolutely fabulous. I got a view. I was sitting in the upper circle so I was looking down on the performance, and it was breathtaking, the symmetry, the unison and the fluidity of the dancers was something I haven’t seen in Dublin for a long, long time.“
She comments on the performers’ ability to express themselves individually and as a group.
[Linda Higgins, Ballet Teacher]:
„The group of dancers, who are individuals on a stage, so you’ve got 10 or maybe 15 dancers on a stage, who are dancing and expressing themselves individually, but also working in unison as a group. So the group is as important as the individual. That’s a rare thing to have because it’s a generosity of spirit that you don’t often get on stage with dancers.“
She also says she enjoyed seeing the world-class level of the performance.
[Linda Higgins, Ballet Teacher]:
„You knew without a doubt, as an audience member, that you didn’t have to worry about them, they were so absolutely taking care of each other and of themselves that as an audience member I could just sit back and actually enjoy the experience and enjoy the exhilaration of seeing people performing at that kind of world-class level, that you don’t see very often. And that was just wonderful to see.“
NTD News, Dublin, Ireland.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.
Auf ihrer Europatournee besucht Shen Yun bis Anfang Juni die Städte Dresden, Bregenz (Ö), Wien (Ö), Louvain-la-Neuve bei Brüssel (B), Brno/Brünn (CZ), Paris (F), Turin (I), Dublin (IRL), Cardiff (UK), Aarhus (DK), Stockholm (S), Linköping (S) und Oslo (N).
Dresden Kulturpalast
14. April 2010, 19:00 Uhr
15. April 2010, 19:00 Uhr
TICKETS: www.ticketcentrale.de
Wien Stadthalle / Österreich
17. April 2010, 15:00 und 19:30 Uhr
TICKETS: www.stadthalle.com

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