7 Year Old Artist to Rival Picasso

Seven year old Kieron Williamson likes to draw the same as many young children, but he possesses a talent that most serious adult artists would be jealous of.
In a November auction 16 of his paintings sold in less than quarter of an hour, raising a stunning 18 thousand pounds.
Father Keith was amazed his son’s work was being snapped up by bidders as far away as Japan.
[Keith Williamson, Kieron’s Father]:
„We had people driving down that night, there were people on the door waiting to come in in the morning who had been standing outside, the phones were going mad as soon as the door opened at nine o’clock and within 14 minutes the whole panel of 16 pictures had gone.“
Kieron’s being nurtured by local gallery Picturecraft.
Managing Director Adrian Hill says the art world already believes Kieron is a mini Grand Master in the making.
[Adrian Hill, Managing Director of Pictureworks Gallery]:
„When you are looking at comparisons that some galleries have made to that of the early works of Picasso and you look at what Picasso achieved, then there is no reason why, if Kieron choses to do so, that he can’t achieve the same things. So you could be looking at the next Grand Master, so all good stuff.“
But for the modest little boy, who’s as mad about football as he is drawing, his friends keep him from getting a big head.
[Kieron Williamson, Seven-Year-Old Artist]:
„Some of them think, some of them want to be as good as me and some of them think, um, ‚you are not too special‘.“
The Williamson’s are taking a low-key approach to their son’s talent and accept that as he grows up he may lose all interest in it.
But for Kieron, he reckons he already knows what he wants to be when he grows up.
[Kieron Williamson, Seven-Year-Old Artist]:
„Ummm, yeah, I think I’ll definitely be an artist.“
If his atmospheric local landscapes in pastels, watercolours and oils are anything to go by, this little boy already has a fully-fledged career.

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