Smurf Fans Around The World Dress Blue

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times28. Juni 2011

The home of the Smurfs, Belgium, was joined by the rest of the world in celebrating the cute little cartoon characters on Saturday.

In celebration of the birthday of Smurf’s creator Peyo, fans around the globe helped to set a new world record for the number of people dressed as Smurfs.

Participants had to wear a white Smurf hat, white pants and shoes, a blue T-shirt and be painted blue.

Founded in Belgium in 1958, the worldwide appeal of the Smurfs is as strong today as ever.

Festivities took place in 12 countries from Taiwan to New York and London, with the official Guinness record count totaling 4,891 fans dressed as Smurfs across the globe.

The Smurfs are currently broadcast on about 120 television channels worldwide in 30 languages, with the business empire worth about 8 billion U.S. dollars.

The Hollywood 3D movie is out later this summer, starring Neil Patrick Harris, Hank Azaria and Katy Perry.

Foto: NTD

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