„A Lot of Tenderness“—Shen Yun in Belgium

At a Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, we met with Aline Everard.
Mrs. Everard is the president of a Brussels-based NGO that promotes the rights of both housewives and househusbands.
She says the Shen Yun performers embody a lot of tenderness and joy.
[Aline Everard, Housewife and NGO President]:
“It’s certainly very original the show, it’s something that is no longer seen on shows. And I believe it has something very fresh and joyous, that we regain and find in this show. It’s not only found in the colors but also in their facial expressions. Yes. I feel that all these young women and men carry a lot of tenderness.”
Mrs. Everard says she felt in Shen Yun a natural femininity.
[Aline Everard, NGO President]:
“These days, at least in Europe, we speak a lot about having equality between the sexes. But here in the show we see that one should have equality most likely, but based on respecting the differences. And this femininity —we must truly guard it, because when we see all these women, with all their scarves and all… it’s truly magical.”
She also says Shen Yun helped her bring out feelings of empathy.
[Aline Everard, NGO President]:
“There are smiles, there is a femininity in the show that is hard to find these days. There is something truly fantastic that helps bring out one’s empathy and, if we happen to still have some of it in us, that is a wonderment.”
Shen Yun runs in Belgium through May 11th.
NTD News, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.
Die Aufführungen von „Shen Yun“ finden bis Mitte Juni in folgenden Städten statt:
Louvain-la-Neuve/Neu-Löwen bei Brüssel, Belgien / 30. April – 11. Mai
Neuchâtel, Schweiz / 13.-16. Mai
Chişinău/Kischinau, Republik Moldau / 25.-26. Mai
Odessa, Ukraine / 28. Mai
Athen, Griechenland / 3.-4. Juni
Turin, Italien / 8.-9. Juni
Lodz, Polen / 14.-16. Juni

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