Chinese Residents Prepare for Dragon Boat Festival

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times31. Mai 2011

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming up on June 6—on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Colorful mascots, like Baisuo or five-colored string and tiger-head shoes, are in hot demand among citizens of Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province.

Madam Wang has chosen two pairs of colorful Baisuo for her child.

[Madame Wang, Xinghua City Resident]:
„Baisuo stands for good luck, so I take my kid here to buy some.“

Baisuo are knitted with five colored strings, sometimes with little cute bells attached. It’s supposed to be worn around necks, hands, and legs by children during the festival.

Chinese people believe that these charms can drive away insects, diseases, and evil spirits. They’re supposed to bring safety and good luck to the person wearing them.

Tiger-head shoes are also in great demand. Many citizens are buying these shoes in the streets. Each pair costs around 25 yuan.

[Uncle Li, Shoemaker]:
„I make 2,500 pairs each year, or it won’t be enough. I have to work 15 or 16 hours a day, or I cannot finish.“

The shoe-making procedures are time-consuming. Li has to start making them immediately after the Spring Festival, working from dawn to night to meet the supply.

Foto: NTD

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