China and Germany Ink Trade Deals

The stop was perhaps the highlight of Chinese premier Wen Jiabao’s three-country European trip.
The results, in any case, were the most dramatic–about 15 billion dollars worth of trade deals. It coincides with the start of permanent consultations between Germany and China, which will mean closer and more consistent collaboration.
[Angela Merkel, German Chancellor]:
„These inter-governmental consultations show that China is one of Germany’s most important partners. They show that China’s role in economic and foreign affairs, is increasing and that China’s responsibility for the world and in the world is also growing.“
The trade package arrives in Europe where financially strong states — like Germany — face the need to support financially troubled states like Greece.
Wen Jiabao also affirmed the Chinese regime’s belief in euro zone strength by indicating a willingness to keep buying European debt. That lessens the burden on states like Germany, and so it, too, is seen as bringing the two countries closer together — and China closer to the heart of Europe.

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