USA: Jackson Memorial Overflows

Epoch Times8. Juli 2009

Jackson fans not lucky enough to receive free tickets to his public memorial gathered in downtown Los Angeles yesterday. The farewell was held at the Staples Center sports arena. 

Some 18,000 fans received tickets for the event and a nearby overflow theater for a two-hour ceremony. Police said they expected 250,000 fans to gather in the downtown area during the memorial for the „King of Pop“, who died suddenly on June 25.

[Jules Sanchez, Local]:
„Even though I didn’t get a ticket, I can be here and there in spirit.”

[Sean Murray, Fan]:
„I just want to be in the atmosphere and stuff like that. I’m just excited to be here and show tribute to the king of pop.”

[Queala Clancey, Local]:
„I wish I were able to go inside and be a part of the wonderful experience. But I can’t, that’s okay. So I’m okay with just coming down and hanging out with the people and enjoying the energy and just seeing what’s going on.”

Jackson’s family and close friends held a private service for him at a Los Angeles cemetery on Tuesday morning. A hearse then carried his gold-trimmed casket to the Staples Center sports arena, where the memorial show was being held.

50 year old Jackson died after suffering cardiac arrest in his rented Los Angeles mansion. He was in the middle of rehearsals for a 50-show series of comeback concerts in London after a low period in his singing career.





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