Indonesia: Presidential Election Update

Epoch Times10. Juli 2009

The votes are in for the first round of Indonesia’s presidential election.

And it looks like the incumbent president has secured enough votes… eliminating the need for a run-off with his rivals.

But the official results will not be announced until the votes are counted by hand.

The country’s election commission has set aside a month to get all the results checked before declaring the winner.

[Abdul Hafiz Anshary, Election Commission]:
„The official result of this first round election will be announced between the 25th and 27th this month.“

The present government, headed by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has brought political stability and good economic performance here in Indonesia.

[Anies Baswedan, Political Analyst]:
„Government is generally being seen as doing a good job. And therefore that’s the recipe for the incumbent to be re-elected.”

And being popular with the public means opposition candidates have found the going tough.

[Anies Baswedan, Political Analyst]:
“It is very difficult for an opposition or an alternative candidate to campaign and present themselves as an alternative candidate.”

But analysts say there could for be no honeymoon for Yudhoyono, as he still needs to piece together a coalition government.


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