India: Students Demand Fencing Along India-Bangladesh Border

Epoch Times14. Oktober 2009

India’s Assam region shares a border with Bangladesh… about 70 percent of it is strewn with barbed wire… but the other 30 percent is an easy access point for what Indian students in the region say are unfriendly forces.

So the protesters demanded the completion of border fencing on a war footing.

[Sammujal Bhattacharya, advisor, All Assam Students Union]: 
„In last 24 years, the government of India and the provincial government of
Assam have failed miserably to seal Indo-Bangladesh border. If the government of India can seal India-Pakistan border within three years so why not in case of Indo-Bangladesh border? It is a crime on the part of government of India and Assam.“

The India-Bangladesh border has always been a bone of contention with allegations that hordes of illegal Bangladeshi migrants enter Assam for work. There are also concerns that members of militant groups from Bangladesh make it into India as well.


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