Artist Couple Return to See Shen Yun in Washington, D.C.

Michael McCarthy is a musician, with both vocal and percussion talents. He and his fiancée saw Shen Yun in Norfolk, Virginia, in February. And they came back for another look at the Lincoln Center in Washington, D.C., this week.
Mr. McCarthy is particularly impressed by the spiritual content in Shen Yun.
[Michael McCarthy, Musician]:
“The fact that we all came here, from above, to lift the world and raise the consciousness of mankind. To help everyone remember that they are divine beings and that we all need to do that.”
He says the solo performance with the erhu, or two-stringed Chinese violin, awakened something deep inside him.
[Michael McCarthy, Musician]:
“It seemed to key in me a past life, in my understanding of our souls, and my own personal experience, I have experienced many lifetimes in different cultures. And they come back to my in memories because of my own spiritual disciplines. “
Nanette Crist is a painter and sculptor, with an interest in dance. She presented a painting to the Shen Yun artists at a special VIP reception at the Lincoln Center.
[Nanette Crist, Artist]:
“When you see the patterns that are created by their dance, and the movement, it really is bringing heaven on earth for us so we were thrilled to see it again. And I don’t think we could get tired of it.”
Ms. Crist says they both enjoyed Shen Yun so much they would consider following the touring company from city to city.
NTD News, Washington, D.C.
Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.

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