Market Report – Asian Techs & Chipmakers Up

Epoch Times15. Juli 2009

A glimmer of light in the technology sector in Asia. Stunning increases were made by chipmaker Intel due to strong demand, as well as Samsung, whose second quarter earnings were way above estimates.

And in Taiwan, the world’s No. 3 PC maker Acer and chip maker TSMC advanced after Intel said revenue from their low power Atom processor soared 65 percent from the first quarter.

While the tech shares bolstered most Asian share markets, Japan’s Nikkei eked out only modest gains as its central bank voted to extend emergency corporate funding to avoid choking a fragile recovery.

Confidence in China’s ties with Australia has been further tested after four Rio Tinto staff, including an Australian, were detained ten days ago on suspicion of spying.

Today the Australian Prime Minister warned China the world is watching, while an industry journal quoted traders saying Rio and BHP Billiton had stopped taking spot orders for China, their biggest customer.


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