Japan’s Blind Pianist Wins Award

Epoch Times10. Juli 2009

Blind Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii is gathering fans, after wining a prestigious award. The 20-year-old pianst, blind since birth, is now adapting to the sudden stardom.

Someone must help him to the piano.

But once the blind Japanese pianist is seated, his fingers glide freely over the black and white keys.

Nobuyuki Tsujii, whose music transports all listeners to another world, became an overnight sensation in his country after winning the prestigious Van Cliburn award.

He shared top prize with 19-year-old Chinese pianist Zhang Haochen, and the two virtuosos are the first Asian pianists to do so.

Blind since birth, the 20-year-old college student says he is still adjusting to stardom.

[Nobuyuki Tsujii, Blind Pianist]:
„I was extremely surprised, more so than excited, when I heard my name at the award ceremony, because I wasn’t even thinking about winning the competition.“

His debut album and DVD are flying off the shelves in Japan, and many fans are swarming to attend his concerts.

[Ryoko Sakae, Attendee]:
„He’s just won, and I feel very lucky to see him perform.“

Tsujii is set to embark on a tour covering 10 cities across Japan in October, when his fans, old and new, will be able to hear his music.


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