China: Coal Miners Rescued

Epoch Times14. Juli 2009

And in Guizhou Province, rescuers have located three miners that were trapped underground in the Xinqiao coal mine. The miners had survived for 25 days by licking water dripping down the tunnel walls.

The three miners, all in their mid-30s, were lifted from the mine on Sunday, July 12th.

Their conditions were stable and they could communicate in simple sentences.

The coal mine where the three worked was flooded back on June 17th. At least one miner’s body was found on June 25, and another 12 others remained missing.

The rescued men are receiving medical attention at the mine site before being transferred to a hospital in Guiyang.

Authorities report the mine was in violation of safety regulations.

China’s coal mining industry is the world’s most dangerous. In 2008 around 3,000 miners died on the job.


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