Japan: Tokyo’s Skateboarding Dog

Epoch Times2. Juli 2009

He ain’t nothing but a bulldog — with short legs and a wide head, but that hasn’t kept Bazooka from becoming Japan’s best known canine skateboarder.

Showing that every dog truly has his day, this two year-old purebred Old English bulldog is the toast of a Tokyo park while atop his small chariot.

According to owner Yoshio Ishikawa, street surfing was puppy love at first sight for Bazooka.

[Yoshio Ishikawa, Owner]: (Japanese)
„When he was 5 months old, he saw someone skateboarding in the street, and that must have triggered something in him. After that it was ‚I wanna skate.“

Bazooka’s passion for skateboarding means he can barely keep his paws and teeth off the equipment, often literally chewing it up. 

To ensure Bazooka is not sickened by the skateboard varnish, Ishikawa uses additive-free, chomp-able boards made from a single piece of wood.

When he’s not skateboarding around Tokyo, Bazooka enjoys a typical dog’s life — walking in the park and playing with other four-legged friends.

And while yet to learn riskier moves, Bazooka appears happy to be known as Tokyo skateboarding’s top dog.


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